How Brooklyn Started Her Own Dog Grooming Business
Hi I'm Brooklyn and I'm the owner of Head Turners Sudz n Scissors Dog Grooming. I graduated with my Professional Dog Grooming Diploma back in 2020 and I have come such a long way and learnt so much!
A Love Of Dogs and A Dream Career
I've always had a passion for dogs and wanted to work in the animal care field. I've always been artistic so dog grooming was a perfect career choice for me.
When I enrolled I had absolutely zero experience, aside from trimming my family Maltese as best I could! I joined the student Facebook group and straight away started to network with other students. I was so keen to get stuck in and had a million questions. What clippers should I buy? What insurance do I need? What type of dryer should I purchase? The group was such a fantastic resource and really helped me find my feet in the industry as well as build my confidence.
I would often post pictures of my grooms and ask for constructive feedback. I received such helpful advice from other students and graduates. It was great to be able to build up my confidence in a private community with no judgement.
So Thankful To Everyone That Helped Me
There were times during the course where I really doubted myself. I would take one step forwards and then two steps back. I had finally become confident in trimming feet and leg shaping but then found myself really struggling with the spherical head shape. I was practising on friends and family's dogs as well as volunteering at rescue shelters. Everyone was lovely and happy for me to learn and experiment on their dogs. But I do admit that at times I really felt deflated.
My peers to the rescue...
After posting pictures of my Aunties dog where I had struggled to shape her head, I was blown away with the support and advise I received. I had so many comments offering tips and advice. Curved scissors, of course!
A Little Inspiration From Me!
After graduating I saved every cent to put into my career. I was still a grade 12 student so I didn't groom full time. I set up my own little salon in a spare room inside of my parents' workshop. I paid a small amount of rent as well as water and power bills. I am so thankful to everyone who helped me to complete my course and my amazing parents for supporting me along the way. I have come such a long way and learnt so much!

I want to say a huge thank you for this course!
I'm still learning more and more every day, but this dog grooming course is so thorough and I loved every part of it!"